For cable drag chain
- About power cables, the space is no less than 10% will be left, and for water pipes, no less than 20% will be left for the space.
- The drag chain is very good at avoiding putting cables to reduce wear and tear.
- The cable drag chain can separate the cables separately, to prevent the cables from overlaping.
- It can be arranged that the cables symmetrically according to their weight and size, placing the heavy and large cables on both sides, and placing the light and small cables in the middle.
- Calculate the cable travel as stroke of the cable for running length.
- It will be relied on the diameter of the cable, model, and width for the height of the drag chain support plate.
- It will be depended on weight of the cable for the sufficient load-bearing capacity of the cable drag chain.
Τα χαρακτηριστικά των αλυσίδων σύρσης:
- Για χρήση σε παλινδρομική κίνηση, μπορεί να παρέχει έλξη και προστασία για ενσωματωμένα καλώδια, σωλήνες πετρελαίου, σωλήνες αέρα, σωλήνες νερού και ούτω καθεξής.
- Κάθε τμήμα της αλυσίδας σύρσης μπορεί να ανοίγει εύκολα για εγκατάσταση και συντήρηση. Έχει χαμηλό θόρυβο κατά την κίνηση, είναι ανθεκτική στη φθορά και μπορεί να κινηθεί με υψηλή ταχύτητα.
- Η αλυσίδα έλξης έχει χρησιμοποιηθεί ευρέως σε εργαλεία τόρνου CNC, ηλεκτρονικό εξοπλισμό, μηχανήματα πέτρας, μηχανήματα γυαλιού, μηχανήματα πόρτας και παραθύρων, μηχανές χύτευσης με έγχυση, ρομποτικούς βραχίονες, εξοπλισμό ανύψωσης και μεταφοράς, αυτοματοποιημένες αποθήκες κ.λπ.
The structure of the drag chain:
- Same inner height, outer height, and same pitch can be in same series. Although there is different choose of the inner height, bending radius R.
- The unit chain link consists of left and right chain plates and upper and lower cover plates. Each section of the drag chain can be opened, making it easy to assemble and disassemble without the need for threading. After opening the cover plate, cables, oil pipes, gas pipes, etc. can be placed into the drag chain
- Dividers can also be provided to separate the space inside the drag chain as needed
Basic parameters of drag chains:
- Material: Reinforced nylon, with high pressure and tensile load, good toughness, high elasticity, wear resistance, flame retardant. Stable performance at high and low temperatures, suitable for outdoor use
- Resistance: It is resistant to oil and salt, and has certain acid and alkali resistance
- Operating speed and acceleration: The maximum speed can reach 5 meters/second, and the maximum acceleration can reach 5 meters/second… ² (specific speed and acceleration depend on operating conditions)
- Operating life: Under normal overhead use, it can reach 5 million reciprocating movements (specific life depends on operating conditions)
The selection principle of drag chains:
- Internal height: Select the thickest cable, oil pipe, gas pipe, water pipe, etc. as the reference height, and add at least 10% of the height space as the internal height of the drag chain. If there is overlap, the actual height after overlapping will be used as the reference height
- Inner width: Select thicker cables, oil pipes, gas pipes, water pipes, etc., and use the sum of their outer diameters as a reference for the inner width of the drag chain, leaving at least 10% of the width space
- Bending radius: Select the maximum bending radius among built-in cables, oil pipes, air pipes, water pipes, etc. as the reference value, and leave more than 10% of the space
The principle for placing cables, oil pipes, water pipes, and air pipes inside the drag chain:
- There should be 15% remaining space left for the built-in cables, oil pipes, etc. to move freely and not generate tension on the drag chain in the radial direction
- Conductors with large diameter differences should be laid separately, with evenly distributed weights, and can be separated by dividers if necessary
- When operating at high speeds or frequencies, it is advisable to separate the wires horizontally and avoid overlapping them. It is recommended to use spacers when there are many cables, gas pipes, oil pipes, etc
Όλη η αλυσίδα σύρματος που παρέχουμε έχει λάβει την πιστοποίηση CE. Αναγνωριζόμαστε από τους πελάτες μας από όλο τον κόσμο για την ανθεκτική ποιότητα και την ανταγωνιστική τιμή μας. Έχουμε τη δική μας επαγγελματική ομάδα σχεδιασμού που μπορεί να λύσει το τεχνικό σας πρόβλημα. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι μπορούμε να κάνουμε κάθε είδους αλυσίδα σύρματος καλωδίων που αναφέρεται στις λεπτομέρειες του σχεδίου σας. Θα είμαστε ακριβώς εδώ που περιμένουν για την έρευνά σας.